WINNER Best High Quality Pet Food Brand - Canada by LUXlife
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Winner Best Premium Pet Food Brand 2023

Winner Best Premium Pet Food Brand 2023
LUXlife magazine has announced the winners of this year’s Pet Product & Services Awards. Puppy Gang Fresh Foods have won 2 awards in 2023, following on from their win in 2022 as Best High Quality Pet Food Brand - Canada. Your pups are in good hands with the best high quality dog food available in Canada.

What’s going on with my dog’s skin?

What’s going on with my dog’s skin?
Skin irritations and skin infections in dogs are some of the most common issues our customers tell us about. They are always asking, can food allergies contribute to my dog’s fur and skin health? The answer is absolutely, yes!

What Kibble Companies Won't Tell You...

What Kibble Companies Won't Tell You...
A large part of health and wellness for pups is the food we choose to feed our dogs. However statistic found that over 70 percent of dog owners do not know what is in their dogs food. The pet food industry in Canada is unregulated and many kibble brands, including premium kibble in toronto and canada contain harmful additives and preservatives that are shortening your pup's lifespan.

The Importance of Cycling Nutrients For Your Dogs

The Importance of Cycling Nutrients For Your Dogs

Do you eat the same thing everyday? Chances are, the answer to this is no. You would not only be bored with your food, but you would be missing out on vital nutrients that come from eating a variety of proteins, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Read more about what to feed your puppy or dog and the importance of feeding your dog a mix of proteins, fruits and vegetables.